Through the whistleblowing platform available at the following link, employees, clients, suppliers, and other third parties with a vested interest in MedTug and its directly or indirectly controlled companies (the “MedTug Group”) can submit reports regarding violations of national or European Union laws that impact the public interest or the integrity of the MedTug Group. These reports should relate to information obtained in the context of public or private work activities.
Reports may concern violations or non-compliance with:
- MedTug Group Corporate Governance documents (Code of Ethics; Models 231; Policies);
- Internal provisions of the MedTug Group;
- National or European Union legislative and regulatory provisions regarding:
- public procurement;
- services, products, and financial markets;
- prevention of money laundering;
- financing of terrorism;
- environmental protection;
- privacy and personal data protection, as well as the security of networks and information systems;
- anti-corruption measures;
- health and safety in the workplace.

Reports must be made in good faith, detailed, and based on specific and verifiable factual elements to ensure the tool’s effectiveness is not undermined. Reports can be submitted anonymously, using the designated option, or with identification. In either case, legal confidentiality protections apply, and whistleblowers are assured they will not face retaliation for making a report.
The report will only be accessible to the compliance committee (ODV), as defined by Legislative Decree 231/2001. This committee is responsible for verifying the accuracy of the reported facts. It is important to note that the whistleblowing platform must not be used to make baseless accusations.