Our partner Tripmare has been awarded with the harbour towage contract in Trieste for the next 15 years

Company’s activity is focussed on the ships towing service in the Port of Trieste, where it is present since 1994, after it incorporated the company that had managed the same service since 1955.

Nowadays Trieste is the second largest Italian harbour and is one of the leader hub for oil product in the Med Sea.

It thus offers more than fifty years of experience in the sector, reinforced by a punctual adaptation of the fleet to the Port’s and customers demands and expectations.

Tripmare can boast a very modern tug fleet of 13 tugs, all equipped with the latest technology of the tug industry.

Furthermore Tripmare is also involved in the defense of the environment with her membership in Castalia, the  company appointed by the Italian government  for the antipollution activity in Italy.