Our Group is committed to ensuring the safety of human life at sea, protecting cargo, and upholding health and environmental standards.
We achieve this by adhering to the standards set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
The Group continuously strives to maintain the highest industry standards across all its controlled companies.

ISO 9001 is a set of standards, adopted by the Organizations on voluntary basis, that defines how a Quality Management System must be developed and implemented.
Quality management means managing efficiency and effectiveness of peculiar process through the following items:
- The customer and its relevant satisfaction
- Knowledge, management and monitoring of single processes
- Engagement and commitment of the Human Resources
- Continuous improvement of performances
ISO 9001 KST Marine
ISO 9001 Maju Maritime
ISO 9001 Rimorchiatori Riuniti Colombia
ISO 9001 Stadt Sjøtransport AS
ISO 9001 Tug Malta Ltd
ISO 14001 is a set of standards, adopted by the Organizations on voluntary basis, that defines how an Environmental Management System must be developed and implemented.
Environmental Management System deals with all the aspects and impact on environment during the ordinary and extraordinary activities and allows to:
- Control and maintain of the status of compliance with laws and regulations
- Monitor environmental performances
- Reduce the wastefulness (water consumption, energy, etc.)
- Guarantee a systematic and precise approach to environmental emergencies
ISO 14001 MedTug and Rimorchiatori Riuniti Porto di Genova, Rimorchiatori Salerno, Rimorchiatori Augusta, S.E.R.S., G.& P. Rimorchiatori
ISO 14001 Rimorchiatori Riuniti Colombia
ISO 14001 Stadt Sjøtransport AS
ISO 14001 Tug Malta Ltd
ISO 45001 is a set of standards, adopted by the Organizations on voluntary basis, that defines the requirements of a Health & Safety Management System on work (HSE).
The HSE Management is the organizational structure that deals with, during ordinary and extraordinary activities, all the aspects and risks for health & safety. The main expected results are:
- Meeting law, regulations (and other) requirements
- A Systematic approach to reduce or eliminate HSE risks
- The monitoring of HSE Performances
- HSE continuous improvement
ISO 45001 MedTug and Rimorchiatori Riuniti Porto di Genova, Rimorchiatori Salerno, Rimorchiatori Augusta, S.E.R.S., G.& P. Rimorchiatori
ISO 45001 Rimorchiatori Riuniti Colombia
SA8000 represents an international certification standard that defines the voluntary requirements that Employers must be compliant with on work, including employees/workers rights, work conditions, and management systems.
MedTug S.p.A. and its Controlled Companies complies with following international principals:
- I.L.O. Conventions
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- U.N. convention on the rights of the child
- U.N. Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
- All the Companies of the MedTug Group Commit to respect the following items:
- Freedom & dignity of all the employees/workers/collaborators
- The prohibition of employment of forced & compulsory child labour
- Employees/workers’ health & safety rights on the workplaces
- Employees/workers’ right on Trade Unions Affiliations and collective agreements
- Employees/workers’ right to have a dignified salary and a ruled working time
- Adoption of a periodical monitoring system of the relevant activities and results of the Corporate Social Responsibility Management System
SA8000:2014 MedTug and Rimorchiatori Riuniti Porto di Genova, Rimorchiatori Salerno, Rimorchiatori Augusta, S.E.R.S.
In order to give all our Stakeholders the possibility to advise about critical situation and to give suggestions and to send claims about SA8000 violations it is possible to download the “Report Form-Hint” that can be submitted (also anonymously) to the email addresses on the side.
- sa8000.genova@medtug.eu
- sa8000.genovaporto@medtug.eu
- sa8000.salerno@medtug.eu
- sa8000.augusta@medtug.eu
- sa8000.milazzo@medtug.eu
- sa8000.adriatico@medtug.eu
- SA8000@rina.org
- saas@saasaccreditation.org